“It’s been physically challenging, but much more mentally challenging and thought-provoking. Kaizen’s work is an art that truly fits my definition of a mentally, physically healthy, and realistic lifestyle choice. His work applies at the grocery store, at work, when working out with weights, sitting, running, walking, just breathing, etc. I’ve never come across anything like it.”
Nervous system excitement, circulation patterns, hormone release, and tissue hydration provide the contextual environment that determines overall health and how effectively the body can adapt and recover from stress.
By listening to individual nervous system feedbacks like breathing, temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, and nerve tone you can appropriately adjust your training for individual needs and priorities.
No more cookie cutter programs that are supposed to work for everyone, even though every person is different. Instead customize your training specifically for you through self-guided biofeedback principles that are easy to follow.
The Body Will Tell You What You Need
By first listening to the nervous system state (overload, load, or underload) you can focus your work (mobility, stability, strength) on your immediate needs (calm nerves, build muscle, strengthen fascia). This is an example of how nervous system feedback can shape the process of healing and training.
Its’s easy to get distracted and caught up in all the numbers when training. Losing sight of our real purpose and not respecting our biology and current needs. Sustainable health needs to come before performance.
Most people approach training by utilizing their energy and resources on the stress/work phase of training. They give no priority, time, or resources to the necessary recovery. Healing and adaptation is a breaking down and rebuilding process. Training without recovery is damaging, not building.
It is important to acknowledge that healing and adaptation is a proactive process with high metabolic requirements. It requires specific body chemistry, hormones, and circulation patterns. You want the necessary stress to happen quickly. That way, your time energy, and resources can be used to build sustainable health. Health then fuels performance.
Recovery-Based Training
Dysfunction is an accumulative process. Most injury, disease, and chronic dysfunction is the result of bad lifestyle and training habits.
Recovery and healing is also an accumulative process. It took time to break down, and it will take time to restore your health fully. You need a complete system of principles to guide your training and daily habits for a healthy empowered life.
Everyone should be capable of giving themselves, or the people they love, relief from the unprocessed stress and trauma in their lives. There is no need to keep suffering when relief can be found in minutes a day without drugs or expensive doctor visits. Taking responsibility for your own health is easier than you think.